Over the last eight years, an unlikely marriage has formed between AAA games and citizen science. Players of EVE Online and Borderlands 3 were introduced to new in-game features through which players can resolve scientific challenges in EVE Online's Project Discovery and Borderlands Science.
These scientific mini-games engaged over 7 million players, amassed over a billion scientific data analyses, were praised by worldwide media coverage from the New Yorker to the front-page of Nature Biotechnology and contributed to substantial results for research teams. They have become the most active and impactful citizen science projects to serve science.
In this talk Attila, founder & CEO of Massively Multiplayer Online Science will talk about the achievements of the last ten years and will present the plans for their new Play Science platform that will make this powerful tool more accessible for research teams worldwide.
→ Nature Biotechnology's article
Attila Szantner, Founder & CEO of Massively Multiplayer Online Science, adjunct professor at McGill University
Attila Szantner is founder and CEO of the Swiss citizen science / videogame innovator start-up Massively Multiplayer Online Science mmos.ch, recipient of the Innovation Award of the University of Geneva. Attila has dedicated his last decade to bring scientific research and videogames closer together, setting up major collaborations between academia and the videogame industry, like Borderlands Science and EVE Online's Project Discovery engaging almost 7 million players to manifest the enormous potential in games to be a force for good, a benefit for the broader society and a powerhouse to help scientific research.
[The talk will be conducted in English only.]
[La conférence sera uniquement en anglais]